
Good news and Bad news

Brian and I were anxiously awaiting our trip to Seattle and then to Vancouver to visit friends, but our little man had plans of his own.  Tuesday was a night full of unknowns and ultimately left us canceling our trip.  The day started with what I thought was a simple headache.  I had worked the two previous nights and was headed into work that night.  I downed some Tylenol and thought a little caffeine would do the trick.  5 hours later, the headache intensified and I had some vision changes.  Well, many of you know me pretty well, so to say I freaked out is an understatement.  I called Brian to come pick me up from work, and we were off to Labor and Delivery triage (which is where the on call doc sent me.)  Long story short, my blood pressure was up and they were worried about preeclampsia.  After about an hour's worth of rest, my BP was trending down, and I thought we were in the clear.  Boy, was I wrong. Not only did they say that I would be doing nothing but resting, they also put the smackdown on our trip.  We were so bummed to have to call my parents and our friends to say that we would not be making the trip.  We were really looking forward to getting away.  

So there is good news in all of this:  Baby Ludwig is doing well, and continues to grow and grow.  I believe this week, he is measuring about 4 pounds and is 15 inches long.  He gets the hiccups about 4 times a day, which does drive me quite crazy!  Poor baby!  We were at the doctor yesterday, and while they will be keeping a close eye on things, right now, both baby and I are doing peachy.  The other good news is that Brian and I are having TONS of couple time!  I think we are both enjoying actually spending time with one another, although Brian did tell me the other day that I was annoying.  :)  He's in love!

I will be sure to keep everyone posted.  For now, enjoy some pictures! Dakota had a biopsy this week, so that explains the cone.  And the other is of Brian and the dog taking a nap, which thanks to having A LOT of free time this week, has been a daily occurrence.  

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