
Three Years Old!

Life is grand when you're three.  You can throw enormous whiny fits and still eat cake, open presents and stay up late.  Kidding aside (except this is really how our day was) Harrison turned 3 today! He is such a sweet boy and is becoming more and more independent each day.

Some of his loves:
playing cars
coloring with markers
PB & J for every meal except when he gets McD's of course
movies (Cars. Nemo, and Toy Story)
bossing his brother around
playing computer games
chocolate milk
ice cream

Some things he despises:
all vegetables (can't even get him to eat Plum Organics purees anymore!)
being told no
going down slides

He is in the 2 year old room at preschool (cut off for the 3 year old room was Sept 1st) but his teacher suggested that he may be ready to move to the 3 year old room now.  She thought his attention span was longer than the other children in his class.  Also, she thought that Harrison already had a good grasp on what they were learning and that he may not be being challenged in the 2s room.

One of our biggest struggles currently is behavior and discipline.  Can we say NAUGHTY? We have discovered that our defense tactics needs to be beefed up a little bit... work in progress.

Harrison, our sweet and gentle boy, we love you! Happy birthday!

3 year old meltdown
 His trash truck cake (he'd begged for a trash truck birthday for months!)
 Momma and her baby boy
 Got his beloved trash truck from GiGi and Pa!
 And the nurse/ortho surgeon couple bought their son a 4-wheeler! It's a mini one for kids under 5, mind you. 

1 comment:

Heidi Ehle said...

Ayden has that same four wheeler. He loved it!! Hope Harrison enjoys his just as much!!! :) Happy birthday Harrison!!