
Colic: A 5 letter word

Yes, my dear friends, Brooks is colicky.  He is quite the unhappy camper in the evenings and enjoys non-stop eating.  My bum and the rocking chair have become great friends. We rock. We sway. He cries. We rock some more. We swaddle. He cries.  This cycle of events goes on for hours until he finally conks out.  Apparently, after my Google searching, colic usually only lasts 12 weeks, with a peak in fussiness at 6 weeks.  Guess who turns 6 weeks old tomorrow? So that means we are half way there... I am being positive.  

Brooks is still eating quite frequently, usually every 2-3 hours during the day and every 3 hours at night.  He is starting to 'chunk up' just like Harrison did.  I am guessing he weighs close to 11 pounds these days.  He has been smiling, which makes the endless rocking fests we have every evening totally worth it.  He loves his swing, long walks in his stroller and cuddling with his momma.  

Harrison has been keeping busy exploring the backyard.  He collects pinecones, sticks and other random yard treasures and puts them in his bucket.  He is all boy and comes in covered in dirt every night.  He is fascinated with airplanes, trucks and balls right now.  "What's that?" is his favorite question and I feel like I am constantly repeating myself... "that's a plane buddy" or "that's a big white truck" only to say the same thing five minutes later.   

Yesterday was total chaos.  Everyday is chaos now, but yesterday afternoon was a cluster.I thought we would come outside and enjoy the beautiful weather.  The boys had a different agenda.  Brooks was screaming, Dakota was barking and Harrison was climbing into the pool with his clothes and shoes on.  So I stripped Harrison down and threw on a swim diaper and let him run.  Brooks had to wait while I wrangled the dog.  Within 30 minutes, I had a content and fed baby, a soaking wet toddler and an angry dog.  Comical chaos. 

Harrison sporting the swim diaper and no shorts
(and his hideous water shoes!)

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