
A December to Remember

These two little monster (aka my children) have been keeping me running. Harrison is still learning the art of sharing (reluctantly) and Brooks continues to turn the house upside down while getting into each.and.every.thing. But I wouldn't trade this life for anything.... especially these special moments. I look at these simple everyday moments caught on film and think about just how lucky I am.

I pulled Harrison's lovey out of the dryer and handed it to him to snuggle with.
He fell asleep. He has never, ever fallen asleep on the couch
(unless he's sick) He looked like a little angel.
PS- Harrison's 2011 resolution is to axe the paci. He just doesn't know it yet.
Brooks manages to crawl into the most awkward places. This one I
had to get a picture of... seriously Brooks?
Harrison and I baked & decorated cookies... although one of us
ate more than decorated. But I'm not gonna say who.
Love this one of my little monster. I think he looks just like Brian here.


'O Christmas Tree

Picture this... Christmas tree up. Lights on. A wonderful Christmas-y feeling in the air. My freshly bathed boys decked out in their adorable holiday jammies. And if you know me, you know that I HAD to get a picture to capture the moment. I sat the boys on the stool and got one stinking picture. Because one second after I got the one stinking picture, Harrison shoved Brooks full force off the stool. So this one picture will forever remind me of the rug burn that was on Brooks' nose for a week and the dramatic meltdown Harrison had when I told him he had to apologize.


We've been watching quite a bit of football in the Ludwig house.
Harrison is catching on... Go Colts! Touchdown!

Brooks: 9 months!

Oh little Brooks, you are growing so quickly. You love your brother and follow him around everywhere. You babble "dada" "baba" "mama" and we've heard the occasional "bye bye". You have been waving, shaking your head 'no' and giggle like mad. You are still quite the wombat and are into everything. You are still cruising around, but aren't quite brave enough to let go. You love to eat... just not your formula. In fact, the pedi said you need to be drinking more milk. The problem is that you just don't sit still long enough to gulp down a bottle. Puffs, Mum-Mums, bananas and squash are some of your favorite foods.

9 months stats:
30 inches
21 pounds 11 ounces


Birthday Wishes!

Happy 5oth Birthday, GiGi!! We love you!

A Small Dose of Randomness

Harrison is very much into his books these days, well he always has been really.
He is obsessed with Dr. Seuss and ChickaChickaBoomBoom.
Our little social guy...always grinning
Seeing as it's December now, it was only fitting for us to get our first
snowfall today! Harrison was a little hesitant.
Giggly grins for momma


Thanksgiving Feast

Harrison with his Indian hat
Looking at his plate (and saying Peeew!)

Harrison, the Baker!

Decorating cookies
... and eating the cookies
Brooks munching on some Cheerios
Making cookies is hard work!


Photo Shoot Fail

Getting a decent picture of 2 high-energy rambunctious wombats is nearly impossible. But on days where they are dressed the same, the need for a photo trumps all.

Me: Harrison can you go stand by your brother to get a picture taken?
Harrison: Cheese!
Me: Brooks, where's momma? Hey Buddy...
Brooks gives slobber kisses to the windows I cleaned.
How does that Windex taste?
Me: Harrison turn around so I can take your picture!
Harrison: Brooks. Say cheese! (as he shoves his head into the window)
(Humor me and tell me it's the cutest you've ever seen!? Please.)

A Comparison, Shall We?

2 very chubby, rolls-galore "little" boys
1 set of well-worn jammies

Brooks 8 months
Harrison 6 months
(Harrison was a gigantic baby, wasn't he?! I had no idea just how giant he was until
comparing him to Brooks-I think at 6 months H still weighed more than
B does now!)


8 Months

Baby Brooks is 8 months old!
The last 8 months has just flown by. How did my sweet tiny newborn grow so quickly? He is still a happy little dude, who loves anyone who will talk to him. He is a busy dude, too! He has got to be the world's fastest crawler and is into EVERYTHING. He loves Harrison and is constantly laughing at him. Harrison just eats it up.

Brooks is waving now! He babbles, saying dada and baba. He tries to mimic just about everything Harrison does. And the boy loves food. He looks like a baby bird at feeding time. Mouth open, tongue out. And as you can see from the photo, he doesn't miss too many meals!


One Happy Little Guy

I'm not sure if he was deliriously tired or what, but Brooks was cracking up with his daddy.

Halloween 2010

Way too excited for pictures momma
Our little bat

Racecars, Firetrucks, Walking Babies! Oh My!

You had to do a double take on that title, didn't you!? So I had this idea in my head that my second child would be a content, easy going kiddo. Not true. While he is a VERY happy boy, the kid is constantly moving. He is now pulling himself up on everything and cruising! And he's not even 8 months yet! How can it be that my sweet little BABY is trying to walk?! I have mentioned before that Brian and I call Brooks a wombat. The other night at dinner, I said something along the lines of "oh Brooks, you're such a wombat" to which Harrison replied, "I om-bat, too?" We just died laughing.

Meet Wombat

Brian's new surgery center opened last week. They had a huge party for the public, complete with helicopters, firetrucks, racecars and food. Harrison is really into big trucks these days, especially firetrucks. So he was in love with this bad boy.

Harrison in the racecar


We painted pumpkins a few nights ago.  Harrison had a blast! 

Peek-a-boo Pumpkins!

Brooks' 1st pumpkin



Little Boys and Big Boys

We had a much needed playdate with the Brown boys today.  The "big boys" had a ton of fun running around outside.  And the "little boys" relaxed with their mommas.  

Little boy Brooks
Bright eyed little boy Grayson 
Big boys, Griffin and Harrison, playing chase
Big Boy Best Buds 
I think this is when I told H it was time to go and he told
me "NO!" 

One.Handsome. Dude

Brian's sister got married last weekend in Iowa and Harrison had the privilege of being the ringbear.  Before I lost my camera, I snagged a few pics of a sweet little boy in a big boy tux.  


7 Months!

Brooks is 7 months old!  He is jabbering away and army crawling! He pushes up on all four and goes after ALL of Harrison's toys.  Harrison is not so much a fan of someone else trying to play with his toys.  There will be many lessons of sharing in his future! 



Fall is my favorite time of year.  
Here are a few reasons why:
Colors changing
Leaves crunching
Pumpkin carving
Candles burning
Chili eating
Football watching

And now, a new reason... brothers in matching sweatshirts!



Almost there... 

This seriously cannot be normal.  Have you ever seen a kid that bends like this?!  I had to take a picture because I knew no one would believe that he does this.  Future yoga instructor...