
Animal Safari

There is a place in western Georgia that is called Animal Safari.  Apparently it is a secret place because no one has ever told us about and we've lived here nearly 2 years! It was a little bit of a hike to get there so Brian and I were hopeful that it would be out of this world awesome! And it was. 

We bought 4 bags of animal food pellets and chose to drive our own car through (because HELLO we have three kids) and we headed in.  

We were first greeted by this beauty.  I don't even know what it is... but it was curious about us! 

Then this happened. This picture seriously makes me laugh so hard.  The cows were hilarious because they opened their mouths and let their tongues hang out.  Brooks was terrified!

Harrison sat in the front seat and had to throw a piece of food to every single animal. That kid has a huge heart, I tell you.   

Then along came the giraffes.  That giant tiger striped bus is full of people who opted to leave their cars in the parking lot.  Wimps! 

 Why hello Mr Giraffe! 

 This giraffe was coming in for some food. They were so gentle (all of the animals were) but again Brooks got a little nervous because the giraffe was... well, it was huge. 

Cue the meltdown and the giraffe grabbing the ENTIRE bag of food and dumping it on top of our car. 
Hilarious, no?

This cow was not satisfied with the amount of food from Brian.  He just kept his head in the car, waiting for more.

We kept Brooks' window up for all the large animals after the giraffe experience

Even Chandler got in on the action

Beautiful zebras!

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