Lots of news to report in the latest issue of the Ludwig Times.
I got a job! After staying home with the boys this year, I realized that I really did miss working. Some mommas are meant to be stay-at-home moms. Me... not so much. I love my sweet babies, but I also love adult conversation and having "me" time, even if that means having "me" time at work. So I hunted for the perfect job and I actually found it (or so I hope). I will be working full-time days (in nurse speak that is 3 12 hours days a week) at a Level II NICU at IU Hospital in Indy. I start July 6th. Ahh! I must admit I am a little intimidated. I mean, I haven't worked in over a year. And I haven't worked in a NICU in a couple of years. I'm sure once I get in there with those sweet little preemies, I will feel right at home again.
So with a new job starting in less than a month, that means I am in full packing mode. The house is full of boxes (with naked toddlers crawling in them!) It is REALLY hard to pack up your house when there are 4 people living in it. We found a wonderful townhome on Indy's southside that will work perfectly for us for the one year we plan on renting. 3 bedrooms, a loft, 3 bathrooms and an attached 2 car garage... awesome. The boys and I are moving June 28th (umm that is 17 days) Brian is not finished with his fellowship until the end of July. Thankfully I will have my parents' help with the kiddos and my sanity.
And lastly, Brian is almost finished with his training! 5 years of undergrad (Iowa), 4 years of med school (Iowa), 5 years of residency (Wisconsin) and 1 fellowship year (Alabama) and now at the ripe old age of 33, he will get his first real job (Indiana)! He is pretty psyched and a little nervous, which is to be expected. He has already been assigned a high school team to cover and hopefully the patients will come running to him. :)
Crazy toddler in a box
Crazy toddler in my shoes
And the reason why I have a crazy toddler:
Potty Training! (He actually has been
quite successful so far!)
Love this one: he insists on wearing these darn
boots inside the house- and on the wrong feet.
Two tuckered out boys