
Chandler: 4 Months

Sweet Chandler turned 4 months old last week.  She is such a sweet baby with a great disposition.  She is always smiling and cooing.  She has just learned how to blow raspberries! Although she still doesn't have any teeth cutting through, she is a drool monster.  We saw the pediatrician today and he was quite impressed with her weight.  She was 16 pounds 7 ounces! (Harrison was 20 pounds at 4 months and Brooks was nearly 18!) I have big babies, what can I say? 

She is still nursing like a champ and the pedi said we could try cereal anytime.  She has yet to roll over, which is true to Ludwig form.  She tries really hard but just hasn't quite gotten there.  She loves to watch anyone, but especially loves the boys.  She sleeps through the night most nights... which probably doesn't count as "sleeping through the night" but I'll take it.  

She wasn't giving up any smiles

And this is a pretty typical morning.  The boys come to check on Chandler every morning. The love picking out her bows.  And she just grins... she is the center of attention most always. 



A Dogs Life

Rough life Pippa. 

Outdoors... and Loving It!

The sun has been shining and the weather has been warm. So we've been outside! Aside from the nasty pollen, it feels great! 

Sidewalk chalk. Our driveway is filled with rainbows and suns!

Aunt Janice sent the boys seed to plant for Easter. They are sprouting now and the boys check in on them everyday! 

Practicing ball! We've noticed Harrison typically has his tongue hanging out of his mouth when he swings the bat. 

 Check out this pretty girl! She loves being outdoors, too. 

Brooks has been riding Harrison's bike lately; he finally learned to pedal it. Guess we need to buy another one! 

Brooks, Chandler and I went to the park today after taking Harrison to school.  We put Chandler in the swing for the first time... I think she liked it!