

After finding out that we are expecting a little man, I thought it would be OK to start the whole shopping process! I spent the weekend in Chicago and Indianapolis with my mom and we went crazy! Brian said, after seeing all of the purchases, that our son won't need any more clothes. I was a little disappointed in the lack of selection for boy clothes, but I managed to find a ton of cute things. I loved all the polka dots on the girl clothes, but I think Daddy would say "absolutely not" to any polka dots. So Mom and I ventured to the land of Babies R Us and we purchased the crib, dresser and armoire. Here is a picture of the crib and armoire:

We have decided that we will do his nursery in navy, lime, white and light blue. I loved the idea of adding a few sailboats here and there, but Brian wasn't too keen, so there isn't real theme to the room, just all boy. I also couldn't wait any longer to buy his bedding so...double check!

Another great adventure Brian and I had was the joy of registering. I thought surely this would be a simple, quick deal, but I was dead wrong. Not only was I completely unaware of all of the little things that we would need, I was oblivious to the fact that all of these things cost a ton of money! We had a great time picking out things for our wishlist and were trying to imagine one day actually using them.

Aside from getting kicked from the inside, life feels relatively normal. I have just now started thinking about the whole "baby's gotta get out" thing. I try really hard not to think about that too often. :) I love feeling him squirm around and I love watching my belly dance with all of his movement. It's something I could've never imagined.


It's A....

BOY! We could hardly believe it when the sonographer placed the ultrasound wand on my belly. Apparently, all the Chinese calendars and old wive's tales were not true in my case. Our little "man" is measuring 14 ounces and is 10 inches long. He has had quite the growth spurt since the last ultrasound!

I was told to drink a little caffeine or juice prior to the ultrasound to make sure baby would "cooperate". Well he did cooperate to an extent. He was giving the sonographer a run for her money. That boy was all over the place! The caffeine worked! At one point, he had his head under my ribs on the left and five minutes later, he was head down. They did a thorough check of all organs and body parts, and all looks great. Brian's face was priceless and he is extrememly proud of his son's "boy parts!" Only a man would say such a thing!!

Today, we are also celebrating our first year of marriage. What a great gift! We soon will be off for a fancy steak dinner and a delicious buttercream cake (which I am most excited about. Don't tell Brian, but I have already been picking at it!) to celebrate.
Now, on to the pictures!


20 weeks and halfway done!

I'm just back from the good ol doctor's office and all went well. It's crazy how much time you spend in the office at the very first prenatal visit. I think I was there over an hour 12 weeks ago. Now I go in, get weighed (which their scale is WAY off!!) listen to Baby Luds' heartrate, talk briefly with my doctor and...done. The baby's heartrate today was 162 and I am now up 4 pounds. I am relieved that I gained some weight, but I definitely don't like seeing those bigger numbers. :) But I still just have, as I refer to it, a "fluffy" belly. It looks like I drank one too many beers!

Monday is the big day. We are so anxious to find out what exactly we are growing. I will be sure to post as soon as I can to let everyone know. My gut still tells me girl, but I have been having crazy dreams about baby boys. My mind is playing tricks on me. Thankfully I am working this weekend, so I will have something to keep me busy. Plus I will need all the cash I can get because I foresee a shopping extravaganza in the very near future!

It's hard to believe that we are already halfway through with this pregnancy. Time seems to fly by. The beginning was rough with all the sickness and fatigue. I have told Brian on more than one occasion that one baby would be it! I just couldn't imagine being pregnant again. Now that I feel somewhat "normal" again, things are great...being pregnant is not too shabby. However, I am sure once the summer heat hits and I'm huge, I may change my mind again!

Brian and I posed for a couple pictures yesterday to mark our 20th week of pregnancy. I am trying to keep a weekly log of belly growth (or fluff). We thought we would have a contest to see whose belly was bigger. What do you think?

Check back on Monday...Baby Luds' gender will be revealed!